Pain au zaatar

Zaatar Bread

Ingredients :
- 250 g of T55 or T 65 flour
- 10 g of dry baker's yeast
- 1/2 teaspoon of salt
- 1 teaspoon of sugar (if possible cane and whole)
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil (cold-pressed and first-pressed)
- 3 tablespoons of zaatar (oregano-based mixture)
- 2 tablespoons of toasted sesame seeds
- 1 pinch of cayenne pepper (or Espelette pepper)
- 20 cl of lukewarm water
In practice:
Mix half of the flour with the yeast and 20 cl of slightly warm water in a salad bowl. Put the dough to rise (in the salad bowl) in your oven, turned off and closed, for about 30 minutes.
Add the remaining flour, salt, sugar and olive oil. Knead well by hand or in a food processor for 5 minutes.
Brush a baking tray or baking sheet with olive oil. Place your dough and stretch it to about 30 x 30 cm (about 1 cm thick). Sprinkle your dough with zaatar, sesame, a little salt and chili. Leave to rise for 35 minutes in your turned off and closed oven.
After removing your baking sheet on which your bread will have risen slightly, preheat your oven to 170°C. Bake for 20 minutes.
Your kitchen will smell of zaatar! Place your bread on a board straight out of the oven and enjoy it while it is still warm or cold!
This bread is perfect to accompany a Mediterranean meal or as an aperitif (plan at least 2!) with hummus or diced garlic tomatoes...
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