The recipes

Gâteau aux clémentines et orange pochées (sans beurre ni gluten)

Poached Clementine and Orange Cake (Butter and ...

A cake that we will never stop asking for again. Tangy, butter-free and gluten-free: it has everything to please!

Poached Clementine and Orange Cake (Butter and ...

A cake that we will never stop asking for again. Tangy, butter-free and gluten-free: it has everything to please!

Figues rôties et crème au gorgonzola

Roasted Figs and Gorgonzola Cream

Fig lovers, this very easy to prepare recipe is made for you!

Roasted Figs and Gorgonzola Cream

Fig lovers, this very easy to prepare recipe is made for you!

Crèmes aux graines de chia et lait d'amandes

Chia seed and almond milk creams

Chia seeds, almond milk and fresh fruit: how can you resist this healthy treat?

Chia seed and almond milk creams

Chia seeds, almond milk and fresh fruit: how can you resist this healthy treat?

Pain au zaatar

Zaatar Bread

This bread is perfect to accompany a Mediterranean meal or as an aperitif (plan at least 2!) with hummus or diced garlic tomatoes...

Zaatar Bread

This bread is perfect to accompany a Mediterranean meal or as an aperitif (plan at least 2!) with hummus or diced garlic tomatoes...